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15 Mar, 2017
Collaboration with Fatima Foundation Nepal Collaboration with Fatima Foundation NepalIn March 2017, CRS collaborated with Fatima Foundation Nepal (FFN), an NGO bas...
13 Mar, 2017
Inauguration of Head Office Building On March 13, 2017, Shanda Steimer, Director, Office and Health Education from USAID Nepal, laid foundation stone of head...
06 Apr, 2016
USAID Team Visit to Madi, Narayanghat On April 6, 2017, USAID team comprising Ms. Ivana Lohar, Mr. Gajendra Rai and Ms. Nirupama Rai along with Director Marke...
17 Nov, 2016
KfW Visit In November 2016, a team from KfW representatives visited CRS Head office. CRS MD and Department Heads welcomed Ms. Stef...
14 Nov, 2016
USAID Team Visit to Hard to Reach Area From 14 to 20 November, 2016, CRS, USAID and SHOPS Plus conducted a joint site visit to the western region. During the v...
08 Jun, 2017
USAID Team Visit to RAI District CRS and USAID team jointly made a market observation visit to one of the RAI program districts - from Khodpe, Baitadi to...
Nepal CRS Company P.O. Box. 842   Tokha Road, Mahadevtar, Gongabu, Kathmandu, Nepal Phone: 977 1 4962097 Email: info@crs.org.np