Sharadha Adhikari

Beneficiary Name : SHARADHA ADHIKARI

Age: 65


According to the doctor at the facility, my uterus needed to be amputated as it had prolapsed. I underwent surgery for my condition, and a year later, I have fully recovered.

A year ago while I was doing some household chores, I experienced intense pain in my lower abdomen, which I initially neglected thinking it would go away on its own. A week later, I experienced severe hip pain and white vaginal discharge. I was uncomfortable with sharing my situation with anyone, and refrained from visiting a medical facility. In the midst of this, I attended an awareness and information session conducted by Ms. Prabha Gautam, CCA of the RAI project. When I discussed my situation with her, she immediately took me to the nearest health facility. 

According to the doctor at the facility, my uterus needed to be amputated as it had prolapsed. I underwent surgery for my condition, and a year later, I have fully recovered. I am very grateful to RAI and CRS and now am better informed about family planning, antenatal care, and uterus health. I have also shared the information with my daughter in laws. There are many women in my village who have problems with their uterus and are shy to come forward to treat the problem.  But with support of the CCAs, and during the information sessions, it has been easier for women to openly discuss these issues without feeling stigmatized and form close bonds with other women who are facing similar situations.

Nepal CRS Company P.O. Box. 842   Tokha Road, Mahadevtar, Gongabu, Kathmandu, Nepal Phone: 977 1 4962097 Email: info@crs.org.np
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CRS Healthcare Company P.O. Box. 842 Tokha Road, Mahadevtar, Gongabu, Kathmandu, Nepal Phone: 01 5901401 / 01 5901402 Email: info@crshealthcare.org.np