Sushil Pandey

Beneficiary Name : SUSHIL PANDEY

Age: 24

Address: Butwal, Nepal

I couldn’t imagine being infected. I was healthy and never had any serious health issues until now. Despite gonorrhea being curable, I was still traumatized. The doctor advised me to use condoms, along with medications and said it’s curable. I heaved a long sigh of relief.

Recently I’ve been blessed with a baby boy, he is healthy and I too can say with pride that today I’m living a second and a healthy life. Before marriage, I was involved in regular sexual activities with my ex-girlfriend. I always insisted for intercourse without using any protection, as I did not feel like I needed any protection. When our relationship ended and I met another woman with whom I was considering a relationship, I started getting a discharge from my penis and it ached whilst urinating. Next day I went for a check-up and was diagnosed with gonorrhea.

I had a wake up call. I couldn’t imagine being infected. I was healthy and never had any serious health issues until now. Despite gonorrhea being curable, I was still traumatized. The doctor advised me to use condoms, along with medications and said it’s curable. I heaved a long sigh of relief. Even though I grew up with Nepal CRS’s Dhaal and Panther’s advertisements, but had never noticed the core message. Later in the evening after check-up, I went to a coffee shop and saw the same advertisement, I could then fully relate to it. As advised by doctors, I continued to use antibiotics and also Panther and D’zire condoms on a regular basis. Today, I feel proud and relieved I no longer carry the disease. I am grateful to Nepal CRS Company for its continuous effort of keeping consumers posted and aware about multiple reproductive health issues. I also have attended several street dramas regarding health issues organized by Nepal CRS Company. I have also started spreading information about issues and inviting people to attend these sessions and learn about the different CRS products, before it’s too late.
Nepal CRS Company P.O. Box. 842   Tokha Road, Mahadevtar, Gongabu, Kathmandu, Nepal Phone: 977 1 4962097 Email: info@crs.org.np